Advent Day 10

Today I wanted again consider a passage from the book of Romans.  Today’s verse is, in my opinion, the most single misunderstood promise the Bible provides for Christ followers.  The enemy use this verse in combination with the sinful tendency within us all to make life and its matters centric upon our own-selves and within our own minds and here is the major problem with this common mentality.  If we read this promise, as written by the apostle Paul, as me centered we can quickly grow doubtful and frustrated at God.  This is because we allow ourselves to be the interpreters of good and then only perhaps seek Christ as a consultant.  Let me state this another way.  When we don’t allow Christ to be the central steering directive in our lives alone, we desire to be the ultimate deciding factor and this always causes a confusing mess.    

Our idea of good versus God’s can be vastly different.  This is why it is so important as the prophet Amos directs that we allow God’s Word to shape us.  You see in our minds good most always means things go our way.  The Bible understands true good to be much different.  The Bible understands good to be the glory of God unfolding under any and all circumstances.  

Today as we read this verse, I challenge you to spend time in prayer with God asking Him to grow in understanding and ask Him to help you to see good through His eyes as opposed to your own.  After all we would not in the wisdom of our own minds have seen it good that the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords would humbly be born to an unwed Jewish teenager under conditions barely suitable for livestock.  Yet God deemed this good and as a result offers to us an affirmative “yes” through His Son.  

“We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.”

Romans 8:28


Advent Day 11


Advent Day 9