Adult Classes & Groups
The Bible is clear that a core element of walking faithfully with Christ is to regularly gather together (Hebrews 10:24-24, Galatians 6:2, Matthew 18:20, Ecclesiastes 4:9-12). The MCBC community offers multiple options for regularly gathering and growing with others on a smaller scale than corporate worship.
Morning Adult Sunday School Classes
Seasoned Adults meet Sundays at 9:45 am in the far room on the right side of the hallway on the main level of the main building. Facilitated by Paul Mayton.
Adult Ladies meet Sundays 9:45 am in the far room of the left side of the hallway on the main level of the main building. Facilitated by Glenda Walls.
Young and middle aged men and women meet Sundays 9:45 am in the gymnasium. Facilitated by Tim Hines.
Evening Small Groups
Younger Adults: Meets in the evening of the first Tuesday of the month. They discuss the recent sermons, pray for one another, and fellowship together. Children of attending parents are welcome. Ask Joe Chapman for more details.
Middle Adults: Meets once a month on a Thursday night for fellowship, finger food, and Biblical discussion. Ask Doug Brooks for more details.
Senior Adults: Meets every Sunday, early evening, to discuss the Word and have fellowship. Ask Paul Mayton for details.