Happening @ MCBC
Event Calendar
Upcoming Events
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Men's Day Breakfast
Men of all ages make plans to join for breakfast and a devotion. We will also discuss upcoming Men’s ministry events for 2025! Please feel free to invite others who might enjoy a good meal and good times with other guys.
Rise up! 2025
Rise to the call of God to be a man! Join us for an inspiring evening of fellowship, worship, and a special speaker. Details, reminder sign up, and registration here.
Women's Ministry Meeting
The Winter women’s meeting will be on Sunday January 5th directly after the morning services. Come for lunch, fellowship, and other activities! For more information see the Middle Creek Women’s Ministry Facebook page.
Christmas Day Service
Come join us on Christmas Day to celebrate Jesus and His Wonderful Birth as a church family!
Carols Night
Make plans to join us for a special evening of song, praise, and scripture. We will join to celebrate the birth of Christ and God’s abundant provision of grace for us through His Son. The service will primarily be songs so plan to come sing, listen, and celebrate with us.
Bible Now Christmas Program
Come join us to watch the Wednesday night Bible Now kids present a Christmas program.
Women's Ministry Meeting
The Fall women’s meeting will be on Sunday November 3rd directly after the morning services. Come for lunch, fellowship, and to participate in some event planning! For more information see the Middle Creek Women’s Ministry Facebook page.
Fall Festival
Make plans to come out and join us for the church’s annual fall festival. As in years past we will have different trunks set up for children to trick or treat at along with a cake walk, hay ride, and other fun to be had.
Quarterly Family Meeting
Make plans to join the MCBC family meeting. The business and details of the church are important to the ability the church has to function and operate in a faithful and effective manner. Make plans to faithfully represent and support this time.
Church Picnic
Make plans to join us for our annual church picnic. In place of Sunday morning service we will gather at Frozen Head for outdoor worship and time together. Start time will be 11:00
Men's Work Morning
Come join the Men’s Ministry as they work for BEBA Rebuild ministry and have some fun while doing it! RSVP to Joe Chapman 630-394-9925.
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School starts with dinner at 5:30pm then lessons and activities start at 6pm.
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School starts with dinner at 5:30pm then lessons and activities start at 6pm.
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School starts with dinner at 5:30pm then lessons and activities start at 6pm.
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School starts with dinner at 5:30pm then lessons and activities start at 6pm.
Vacation Bible School Kickoff
Vacation Bible School kicks off on Sunday night! Dinner provided.
MCBC Give. Wear. Share.
Clothing Giveaway Event.
We will be giving away donated clothes and school supplies. There will also be a hot dog lunch and bounce house. We will also offer a space for prayer and support with Pastor Corey and several of our Deacons.
“As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.”
1 Peter 4:10
Women's Ministry Meeting
The Spring women’s meeting will be on Sunday May 5th directly after the morning services. Come for lunch, fellowship, and more! For more information see the Middle Creek Women’s Ministry Facebook page.
Easter Morning Worship
Make plans to join us for our third of three services this easter season. As always we will gather corporately at 11:00 Easter morning. I want to encourage all to join, invite, and make plans to worship our risen savior, Christ Jesus, this upcoming Easter morning.
Sunrise Service
Make plans to join us for our second of three services this Easter season. We will meet outside (weather permitting) at 7 am to consider through God’s Word, song, and visual illustration. If you have never been to a sunrise service on Easter morning I challenge to join us early this upcoming Easter morning. Informal potluck breakfast following the service.
Last Supper Service
Make plans to join us for the start of our 3 services of Easter 2024. This service will be focused on commemorating the Last Supper and parts of the Jewish Passover which were observed during the last supper. Through reading of God’s Word, song, and ceremonial food we will celebrate the Last Supper. A dinner will be part of the service. Participants will asked to help prepare specific dishes for the dinner. More details to follow.
Annual Church Easter egg hunt
Make plans to join and invite other to this years annual egg hunt. We could still use volunteers. If you can help please see Kaylee or Laura for more details
Men's Breakfast
Come join us for breakfast! We’ll meet at Hardee’s in Oliver Springs at 8 am.
Quarterly Family Meeting
Make plans to join the MCBC family meeting. The business and details of the church are important to the ability the church has to function and operate in a faithful and effective manner. Make plans to faithfully represent and support this time.
Men's Day
Make plans to join us for a special service placing emphasis on the unique impression that God has instilled upon men. We will have a panel style setting enabling us to hear from some of MCBC’s men regarding God’s leading and work within their unique stories.
Men's Day Breakfast
Men of all ages make plans to join for breakfast and a devotion. We will also discuss upcoming Men’s ministry events for 2023! Please feel free to invite others who might enjoy a good meal and good times with other guys.
Christmas Day Service
Come join us on Christmas Day to celebrate Jesus and His Wonderful Birth as a church family!
Bible Now Christmas Program
Come join us to watch the Wednesday night Bible Now kids present a Christmas program.
Quarterly Family Meeting
Make plans to join the MCBC family meeting. The business and details of the church are important to the ability the church has to function and operate in a faithful and effective manner. Make plans to faithfully represent and support this time.
Thankful Christmas Potluck!
Join us for a church potluck to thankfully celebrate Christmas together!
Women's Ministry Meeting
The Fall women’s meeting will be on Sunday November 5th directly after the morning services. Come for lunch, fellowship, and to participate in some event planning! For more information see the Middle Creek Women’s Ministry Facebook page.