Kid’s Ministry

Kid’s Ministry Vision

There are numerous areas of MCBC’s current ministry that directly reflect God’s blessing. Few though are as apparent as the children’s ministry. The basis of structure and flow of our children’s program focuses on a model of worship and intentional Bible story repetition. Our program’s desire is for the Bible to be known and its truths retained as an essential tool for use throughout their lives. 

2nd - 7th Grade

Sundays at 9:45am in the #2 classroom in the upstairs of the gymnasium. Facilitated by Laura Jones, co-lead with Corey Jones.

3 yr. old - 1st Grade

Sundays at 9:45am in the downstairs in the main building in kids room. Facilitated by Kaylee Moore, co-lead with Zach Moore.

under 3 yr. old & Young Moms

Sundays at 9:45am in the downstairs in the main building in toddler room. Facilitated by Caitlyn Moore, co-lead with Lisa Chapman.

We annually host a vacation Bible school (for nursery ages up to 12th grade) during the Summer. This year VBS will be July 21st-25th | 5:30pm-8:00pm. We begin with a kickoff on a Sunday afternoon on July 21st (DRESS TO GET WET!)