1.24.22 Blog
It is hard to believe but as I write this note we are currently in the last full week of the first month of 2022. It has been a good month thus far but a challenging one. Currently we have many who are battling sickness, primarily the latest variant of Covid. I know of only a hand full of homes within our community of faith that have not had some form of sickness hit at least one member in their home over the past month. With that being said I do want to provide this perspective. God in His grace and sovereignty has kept great severity of sickness away for most if not all among us. He is faithful through it all!
On the church calendar for the next couple of weeks are as follows. This coming Saturday January 29th the men of the church are planning to gather for our annual mens day breakfast. Personally as a young man having grown up at MCBC this was an event of importance for me. Getting up early on a cold January morning to consume meat and eggs with other guys of the church was encouraging, fun, and memorable. I encourage all men if schedules allow to make plans to meet with us at 9:00 on Saturday to eat and hangout for a short bit. Perhaps this is a time you might invite someone else who does not normally attend or take someone a plate as a means of touch base later on Saturday morning? Then on Sunday we will have two male panelists share with us during our morning service regarding God’s calling and the work of Christ in both their lives and homes.
One other announcement I want to mention is the upcoming women’s meeting on February 6th directly after the morning service. Lunch will be served and all women are encouraged to attend. This meeting will be for the purpose of learning about current scheduled events, planning for other future events, and generally thinking through potential Gospel opportunities to serve, share, and be encourage by.
I do want to end today by encouraging you to consider the following list of prayer requests. Betty Jackson and family (currently on hospice care), Allene and Bob Jones (Covid recovery) Cindy Newton (Father, Mother, and Granddaughter) and Pam Webster (Severe cold type symptoms).
Pastor Corey