1.31.21 Blog
I hope the first month of this new year has gone well for you. Personally my family has experienced an abundance of change this January and while change is not something I particularly enjoy it is something I have learned is a means used by God to grow us in faith to His provisions.
Yesterday was our annual mens day here at the church. Steve Marlowe and Joe Chapman did an amazing job sharing with us their personal Jesus stories. It always amazes me to hear of Christ work in the life of a person. As we clearly observed from both our panelists a consistent and close personal connectivity to Christ does not always make for easy days but His leading does produce joy, peace, and true rest in His provisions. If you did not get to hear these men in person I would encourage you to take a few minutes this week to watch and consider Christ’s work in these lives. It will encourage you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1wMP8Bh-NY
I do want to remind all our ladies of our first Women’s Meeting that will occur this upcoming Sunday directly after our morning service. Mrs. Katrina does ask if you can attend to let her know to ensure there is enough food for all. I encourage all ladies to attend this meeting as this will serve as a springboard too many of the unique and special ways our ladies will serve others for Christ this calendar year.
Before I conclude I want to make all aware of some prayer needs. Continue to be in prayer for Allene Jones as she was admitted into Oak Ridge Hospital early last week and while improving is still currently in the hospital. Also, more generally, be in prayer for the many homes and families that have had or continue to face sickness and until next week know I am praying for our church and our witness.
Pastor Corey