3.7.22 Blog

Each Monday morning I spend sometime with the Lord in prayer and reflection on corporate Sunday worship. It has always been interesting to me how the planning, effort, and preparation for any specific work for the Lord can be succinct, in place, and ready to go. Still, when the time for action comes circumstances change.  Now I don’t make this point to say that things change for the bad.  In fact it is almost always that last minute changes are better than my plan.  For example, yesterday morning I had not planned to teach Sunday school or have an awesome group of young children around me during worship but that’s what happened and it was great! 

Our time in God’s Word yesterday made clear the divide that occurs in our lives when sin is present.  We were able to see clearly from the book of Jeremiah that God constantly offers, calls, warns, moves the events of life, etc. in ways to make us aware of and give us the opportunity to repent and turn from sin.  However, the choice is ours.  As I sit this morning and consider the plans and encouraging church opportunities this week I realize my plans will most likely moderate to some degree in the days to come and for that I am grateful.  I am grateful because while I know my best efforts fall short I know and am trusting the one who is in control and knows the outcome of all things.  I hope you know Jesus and are focused and encouraged today to acknowledge and repent of sin, and follow Him in joy, peace, and rest this week.      

For the week, I again, have numerous names for us to consider in prayer.  As always I encourage everyone to set aside specific time to corporately petition these names before the Lord.  Our list this week is as follows….

World Circumstances - The Ukraine/Russian War

    • Prayers for the people - those who have suffered loss, those displaced, those in harms way

    • Prayers for gospel opportunities in Ukraine and other areas of our world as a result of war

Serhii and family (Brother of Corey’s good friend Dana Spry. Serhii is a native of Ukraine and fighting in his home city of Lviv - Serhii’s wife (Ira) and two young children (Caroline 7, and Roman 3) have evacuated Ukraine for safety reasons) 

Francis Jones and family (Ms. Francis, an elderly shut in, lost her son Randy this past week to cancer.  Prayers for this family during this time of loss) 

Tina Moore, (Daniel Moore’s mom who is continuing to rehabilitate after trachea surgery) 

Allene Jones - Upcoming radiation treatments for cancer 

James White and the White family - (Father of Angie Raby’s Son Issac’s girlfriend) Mr. White is recovering from a brain surgery and facing potential other heath concerns regarding cancer.)  

B and A - Young couple in a European country I had the opportunity to meet virtually last weekend.  They are believers and leaders in their local church serving faithfully in an extremely hard spiritual climate. They are requesting prayers for vision, means, and God’s leading


Pastor Corey       


3.14.22 Blog


3.1.22 Blog