Our Beliefs

Middle Creek baptist is a Southern Baptist church where the the faithful proclamation of God’s Word is the primary focus. At our core we are a church motivated by the glory of God and desire for everyone to grow closer to Christ. We seek our direction in the Word of God and depend on the Spirit’s power to grow and be active in our daily lives as God’s instruments.

Our Core Beliefs


The Scriptures.

Given by the divine inspiration of God through human authors the Bible, including both texts of the Old and New Testaments, is the revelation of God to His creation and serves as the only sufficient and authoritative rule of the saving knowledge of Christ’s work.



God originally created man sinless and in His own image.  By introducing sin into God’s perfect creation, mankind has fractured all things.  As a result, all of creation is in desperate need of salvation and redemption.


There is only one God eternally existing as one essence and three distinct persons.  God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.



We believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God and was divinely appointed as mediator between God and men.  Salvation is offered to men and women by God through Christ alone.


From eternity God decrees or allows all things that are.  From nothing, God created the world, and in all places and at all times governs all things. 


The Church.

The church is the body of Christ given to the world by God and is composed of Christ’s true disciples for the purpose of displaying God’s glory in creation.

The Resurrection and The Coming Kingdom

We believe our bodies at death return to dust while our Spirits return immediately to God.  Those whom have accepted Christ’s gracious offer of redemption will rest with Him while those who have not accepted Christ’s gracious offer of redemption will be reserved under darkness until judgment.  In future days, we believe Jesus Christ will return and both the just and unjust will be raised. At that time Christ will judge both the living and dead.  Those judged outside of Christ will go into eternal punishment while those found in Christ will be given everlasting life.