John 2:12
12 After this he went down to Capernaum, with his mother and his brothers and his disciples, and they stayed there for a few days.
John 2:12
There are certain details the gospel authors record and I don’t believe any detail of the scripture is insignificant. I also believe we must be careful not to add to scripture in anyway. Therefore after recording Jesus’ miraculous action of turning water into wine John simply records that Jesus and those with Him go down to Capernaum and stay for a few days. What exactly is John relaying and Jesus teaching to us with this detail?
As we have learned before, names of persons and places reveal more to us than the name of a person or place in today’s context. The word translated capernaum is derived from the greek word Kapemaoum meaning city of comfort. The city’s location was near the northwest corner of the sea of Galilee and near the land promised to God’s people. It is a pleasant area.
I believe a faithful reading of this text along with more of the gospels we will consider reveal a pattern developing in the life and ministry of Christ. After periods of ministry we will see Jesus retreat for a brief period and recoup. In passages to come we will explore this truth to greater degrees.
Today how do you feel? I am tired. It is nice having an extra hour of day light but for me and I suspect you it will take a few days to reset our minds, bodies, and patterns of rest to a more familiar balance. Gotta love day light savings, right?
Today I challenge you to take a moment before the Lord and admit to Him any fatigue you feel. Jesus models this pattern and we should take note. We need to be careful what we fill ourselves with and more time with Lord is something everyone must allocate and pursue or the demands of life will rob us. What are you filling yourself, your time, and your calendar with? Jesus took some time in the city of comfort. Where are you seeking time this week?