6.27.22 Blog
What a summer it has been thus far. As I write this there are a number of things on my mind I feel important for us to consider.
First, this past Friday the supreme court voted to overturn the Roe. Vs. Wade case thus turning the issue of abortion over to the individual states. With this decision there are deep divides of opinion within our country. I personally believe this to be an answer to prayer and a more stable stance on upholding truth at a legal level within this country. However, with this decision I know there are many who are angered and feel as if freedom is in jeopardy. As followers of Christ we need to not only be committed to prayer but also advocates for all lives, both the unborn and the born. This is a subject we need to educate ourselves on and be willing to help and sacrifice as opportunities become present. For more on my thoughts on this subject you can read my previous blog from 5.11.22 (Gal. 6:9, Proverbs 10:4)
Second, there are a number of prayer needs within our church. Below on this week’s prayer list are more details. I encourage all to be in prayer for these specific needs.
Third, I am grateful this morning for God’s work through Christ, in His church. Always remember that in our unique MCBC body we are one part of many within the body of Christ, His Church. (Romans 12:4-5) I am thankful for God in His Word and to be able to be a part of a group of people interested and committed in seeking God’s leading through His Word. We are seeing the fruits of this in this season and it is exciting.
Below are needs of prayer I would encourage all to take a minute and consider. As always if you have any specific needs that you would like to have included on our list please let me know. Our list this week is as follows….
The Supreme Court Justices and the Roe Vs. Wade ruling
Mary Gomero (Missionary in Guatemala who suffered a brain aneurysm this past spring) (Update 6.27.22)
Mary is continuing to make progress. She suffers with some partial paralysis but is making improvements. Continue to pray for Mary, her husband, and daughter
World Circumstances - The Ukraine/Russian War
Prayers for the people - those who have suffered loss, those displaced, those in harms way
Prayers for gospel opportunities in Ukraine and other areas of our world as a result of war
Serhii and family (Brother of Corey’s good friend Dana Spry. Serhii is a native of Ukraine and fighting in his home city of Lviv - Serhii’s wife (Ira) and two young children (Caroline 7, and Roman 3)
Betty Jackson and family (Ms. Betty is homebound with Hospice. Prayers for her comfort and this time)
Teena Moore (Update 6.27.22)
Daniel Moore’s mom who is was able to return home this past week after a lengthy stay in a rehabilitation center. Continue to pray for Teena as she improves and transitions back into her home
B and A - Young couple in a European country we are working to partner in ministry with. They are believers and leaders in their local church serving faithfully in an extremely hard spiritual climate. They are requesting prayers for vision, means, and God’s leading
Prayers for the lost and the unchurched in the our community
Prayers for all the events and gospel opportunities currently on the MCBC schedule
Joe and Lisa Chapman are new parents to baby Titus! Titus has some issues and will need to stay a few days in the NICU. Pray for Joe, Lisa, and Titus - Pray that Joe and Lisa could bring little Titus home soon!
Aaron and Breana Aronette are expecting any day! Pray for this special young couple who are new in the community and will be welcoming a new child in the near future.
Numerous other couples within the MCBC community who are expecting. Pray for these pregnancies and the health of both the mothers and babies.
Mattie Harris - Mattie experienced a fall while hiking this past Saturday. She is very bruised and beat up. Thankfully she broke no bones in the fall but will potentially face some dental work in the near future. Pray for Mattie, her pain, her witness, and her recovery
I appreciate all who take the time to consider these thoughts and needs weekly
Pastor Corey