5.11.22 Blog
This past Mother’s Day Sunday I addressed the issue of abortion in the pulpit and now I would like to take the opportunity to further clarify my thoughts for you on this extremely important topic. The January 22, 1973 Supreme Court ruling of Roe. Vs. Wade could very well be over turned in the next few weeks and I believe this is a point of great significance within our country. For those who are not familiar with the Roe vs. Wade case in 1973 the court ruled that the Constitution of the United States protects a pregnant women’s liberty to choose to have an abortion without excessive government restriction.
I am not going to address the constitutionality of this 1973 ruling in this writing but rather I want to carefully, concisely, and clearly consider what God’s Word says on the subject for those concerned about being faithful disciples of Christ.
First, God’s Word reveals to us that killing is wrong. (Matt. 5:21 “You have heard that it was said to those of old, You shall not murder; and whoever murders will be liable to judgement”, Exodus 20:13 “You shall not murder”) The reality is that in the nearly 50 years of this ruling law Roe. Vs. Wade has allowed for countless viable pregnancies to be terminated and I believe based upon scripture this is clearly wrong. (Exodus 23:7 “do not kill the innocent”) In addition, I believe this grievous ruling has been detrimental in influencing a general Godless Worldview on the subject within our country. These unborn children were murdered over the past 5 decades legally and the actions were justified under the rational of constitutionality and freedom of choice. This reasoning placed countless authority of life decisions solely in the mind and heart of a person. This misplacement of authority is both wrong and dangerous according to God in His Word. (2 John 1:9, “Everyone who goes ahead and does not abide in the teaching of Christ, does not have God” Jer. 17:9 “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick”) I believe the Lord is allowing now an opportunity for our high court to steer the course of our country in a step of greater faithfulness and alignment to God’s Word, Will, and Plan. I also believe the current status of legality and ruling present within our country’s highest court is directly due to the countless prayers and petitions of His people before Him.
Furthermore, I feel I must address a second and equally important point of scriptural directive. God in His grace has provided for us guidance and help in a fallen world where sin has been the cause of both diseases and the internal and external struggles surrounding pregnancies. Therefore, it is my conviction, for a court to cast a general rule or law on the subject of abortion is unfaithful to the scriptures teachings. For example, to simply rule that abortion is legal, as Roe vs. Wade did, is to open a flood gate of immorality to which the amount of harm is unmeasurable. In contrast, to simply rule that abortion is absolutely wrong is not to take into account the extremely rare but very real occurrences in which there is a pregnancy but also the knowledge that the pregnancy will not ultimately result in a viable and sustainable life. In this circumstance when the mother’s life is in jeopardy it would be wrong to not act in such away as to protect the image of God in the life of the mother. It would be wrong in this instance for the mother not to struggle to a degree because of the unavoidable circumstances surrounding loss but also would be wrong to knowingly commit an arguable form of suicide that is preventable given modern technologies in medicine. (1 Corinthians 3:16-17 ”Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you? If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him. For God’s temple us holy, and you are that temple” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.” Phillipans 2:4 “Let each of you look not only to his own interests but to the interests of others”)
My prayer is that Roe. Vs. Wade would be overturned but the issue cannot faithfully and in simplicity end here. If an overturn of this law occurs then faithful followers of Christ must actively in prayer and action seek wisdom to boldly care for, speak in love, and model Christ to all who feel negatively affected by an overturning of the law. At the local level Christ’s church should be advocates for the sanctity of life in all forms even if that means in statistically small but very real circumstances the outcome of a pregnancy would require an educated and prayerful decision regarding the physical realities to the viability of the sanctity of life for the mother.
With my thoughts now available to you I simply want to encourage you to pray for God’s will and leading amongst those serving on our supreme court. I also encourage you to pray for yourself and the church that together Christ would be exalted and known as a result of the current culture climate.
As usual I encourage all to take a look and consider these request for prayer this week. As always if you have any specific needs that you would like to have included on our list please let me know. Our list this week is as follows….
The Supreme Court Justices and the Roe Vs. Wade ruling
Current Supreme Court Justices
John G. Roberts
Clarence Thomas
Stephen Breyer
Samuel Alito
Sonia Sotomayor
Elena Kagan
Neil Gorsuch
Brett Kavanaugh
Amy Coney Barrett
Mary Gomero
- Mary worked closesly as a translator with a team from our association of churches who minstered to the Guatemalan people a few years ago. (My wife Laura and Ruthie Fadnek were among those on this particular trip). Mary, who is native of the south eastern U.S. has since made Gutemala her home and is married to a Guatemalan Doctor Oskr and they have a 4 year old daughter named Solena. Mary suffered a brain aneurysm last week while pregnant with her and Oskr’s second daughter. The baby was born via cesarean at 6 months and weighed only 2 pounds. The baby sadly passed away last week. Mary had emergency surgery in Guatemala city two weeks ago and is currently still in ICU. Positive news did develop this past week. Mary did open her eyes and seemed to recognize her husband Oskr. Oskr is still asking if others would gather and pray together at 7 p.m. each day. If you would pray for Mary, Oskr, and Solena. Pray for healing for Mary, Peace for Oskr, comfort for Solena.
World Circumstances - The Ukraine/Russian War
Prayers for the people - those who have suffered loss, those displaced, those in harms way
Prayers for gospel opportunities in Ukraine and other areas of our world as a result of war
Serhii and family (Brother of Corey’s good friend Dana Spry. Serhii is a native of Ukraine and fighting in his home city of Lviv - Serhii’s wife (Ira) and two young children (Caroline 7, and Roman 3) have evacuated Ukraine for safety reasons)
Betty Jackson and family (Ms. Betty is homebound with Hospice. Prayers for her comfort and this time)
Teena Moore, Daniel Moore’s mom who is continuing to rehabilitate after trachea surgery. Tina had a set back last week and needed to go back to the hospital. She is currently in a hospital in Johnson City and hope to return to a rehab location soon.
B and A - Young couple in a European country I had the opportunity to meet virtually last weekend. They are believers and leaders in their local church serving faithfully in an extremely hard spiritual climate. They are requesting prayers for vision, means, and God’s leading
Prayers for the lost and the unchurched in the our community
Prayers for all the events and gospel opportunities currently on the MCBC schedule
I appreciate all who take the time to consider these thoughts and needs weekly
Pastor Corey