3.21.22 Blog
I ask this question in some degree and in some form numerous times within the context of an average sermon. It is a question that at times is blunt and obvious. It is also a question that is sometimes implied or indirect. That question is simply this. What do you place trust, hope, and security in? The Biblical answer is always the same. The Bible is clear that trust, hope, and faith should be centered in one thing alone, Christ Jesus. However is this true for you?
In our sermon yesterday we considered Jeremiah 23. In this passage God speaks directly to the people through the prophet. In this passage Jeremiah also shares his heart and it is not a pretty picture. The aging prophet knows that trouble is coming and has done everything ask of him by God and everything possible in his own power to warn the people but they will not listen. As a result God is about to allow bad things to happen to them but they don’t care. They have trust, hope, and faith in things other than God and as a result on a path with with a catastrophic outcome.
This week I challenge you to spend sometime considering relationship with Christ. Why do I challenge you in this? Because I truly do desire the best for you and the best for you can only occur when we are seeking, following, and obeying the righteous King, King Jesus.
Again this week in prayer I have numerous names for us to consider and I have changed nothing from last week. As always I encourage everyone to set aside specific time to corporately petition these names before the Lord. Our list this week is as follows….
World Circumstances - The Ukraine/Russian War
Prayers for the people - those who have suffered loss, those displaced, those in harms way
Prayers for gospel opportunities in Ukraine and other areas of our world as a result of war
Serhii and family (Brother of Corey’s good friend Dana Spry. Serhii is a native of Ukraine and fighting in his home city of Lviv - Serhii’s wife (Ira) and two young children (Caroline 7, and Roman 3) have evacuated Ukraine for safety reasons)
Betty Jackson and family (Ms. Betty is homebound with Hospice. Prayers for her comfort and this time)
Tina Moore, Daniel Moore’s mom who is continuing to rehabilitate after trachea surgery
Josh Johnson (P.E. Instructor of Caden and Amiah Jones) Mr. Johnson has two young children and suffered a bicycle accident on Friday of last week. He broke multiple ribs and has a collapsed lung. He is currently hospitalized at U.T. - Prayers for his family and fast recovery)
James White and the White family - (Father of Angie Raby’s Son Issac’s girlfriend) Mr. White is recovering from a brain surgery and facing potential other heath concerns regarding cancer.)
B and A - Young couple in a European country I had the opportunity to meet virtually last weekend. They are believers and leaders in their local church serving faithfully in an extremely hard spiritual climate. They are requesting prayers for vision, means, and God’s leading
Pastor Corey