2.28.22 Blog
A new month is before us and I am encouraged for a number of reasons. First the weather should become warmer and more inviting to be outside. Second we have many good things occurring this month in the church. Make sure to consider the announcements page on the website for all the details. For example, a new women’s bible study is starting tonight, more and more of us are feeling better after several challenging months of Covid/flu/etc. concerns and also there will be some meetings that will be taking place within the church this month that will be encouraging. My final excitement for the month is simply this. God has got it. Despite the complex, dangerous, and growing challenges our world is facing we can be assured God is in control and at work. I challenge us to join Him in this work as He is uniquely leading each of us.
This week in prayer I again have numerous names for us to consider. As always I encourage everyone to set aside specific time to corporately petition these names before the Lord. Our list this week is as follows….
Multiple decisions many within the church are making
Tina Moore, Daniel Moore’s mom who is continuing to rehabilitate after trachea surgery
Allene Jones - Upcoming radiation treatments for cancer
James White and the White family - (Father of Angie Raby’s Son Issac’s girlfriend) Mr. White is recovering from a brain surgery and facing potential other heath concerns regarding cancer.
B and A - Young couple in a European country I had the opportunity to meet virtually this weekend. They are believers and leaders in their local church serving faithfully in an extremely hard spiritual climate. They are requesting prayers for vision, means, and God’s leading
Pastor Corey